Nadia Karina Minassian, Mentor
Motel Fraser, Chandler
Member of Réseau Mentorat since: January 2022
Nadia-Karina Minassian is the owner of Motel Fraser in Chandler and mom to Maverick and Savannah. She holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Concordia University and a graduate degree in regional development from UQAR.
Known for her involvement in the economic development and business sectors, Nadia got into politics in 2016, serving as reeve of the Rocher-Percé RMC for six years. During that time, she was the chair of the Table des préfets de la Gaspésie and of the Fédération québécoise des municipalités’ Table en développement local et régional.
Back behind the controls of Motel Fraser and its restaurant Le Sieur de Pabos, Nadia also serves on the board of directors of the Association des hôteliers du Québec and is a mentor for the SADC du Rocher-Percé.